A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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Choose between 3 different love interests as you make your way in the streaming sphere! Don't be afraid of committing to one path as you are always in control of where you go!

A non-traditional visual novel with 2+ hours of content. A single play through may take around 30 minutes.

Art: @Thinkuwu (x.com/Thinkuwu)


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Side Note (June 2024):

This game was developed between Feb-May of 2022. Its been sitting on my itch page as private for over 2 years now. Everything besides this side note was written around late 2022 as I had built the courage to post the game but then failed when it came down to pressing the release button. I had always felt proud of my work but I also felt that it was not good enough to release to the public.  

Its been long enough that I no longer feel afraid to post. As long as at least one person enjoys playing the game then I think that's more than enough reason to release to the public.

Development Process:

This project is my largest scale game. A visual novel called ‘My Loveable Vtuber’. I myself am not a fan of Virtual content creators but my artistic friend/project partner, Thomas, is. I chose the genre and theme to fit Thomas’ work experience and interests. We were a two man team with a plan, experience, and a deadline.

I assumed the role of team lead and we partitioned the rest of the roles accordingly. I worked as the programmer and music/audio producer. Thomas worked as the artist. We both split the work of design and writing.

We gave ourselves a 3 month deadline. I understood that game development was a long and arduous task so I felt this was sufficient for the size of our team and the scope of our vision.

We setup weekly meetings for team discussions. What we accomplished during that week, what we couldn’t finish, what we could realistically do going forward into next week, and any requests, comments, or concerns between us as programmer and artist. Many ideas were formulated and scrapped during these meetings as well.

I spent roughly 6 hours nearly everyday for 3 months straight. I created a dialogue system with branching paths that only required a plaintext file as input to allow anyone to write dialogue. I produced 2 music tracks, a main theme and a dialogue theme. I wrote pages of dialogue. I cut features that seemed unfeasible given the deadline. I tweaked features that were too large in scope. All this but we still couldn’t hit our deadline and feel satisfied with our work. We had to extend our deadline by another month.

Eventually we managed to create this final version after 4 months of total development time.

Published 23 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
GenreVisual Novel


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

My Loveable Vtuber.zip 50 MB

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